School Resource Officer Program

School Resource Officer
Deputy Sheriff Harley Ault
Email: hault@mcmo.us
We started the School Resource Officer Program in 2021 and we believe this program will be very beneficial for the entire county.
How does our School Resource Officer Program work in our schools?
The SRO position will have an emphasis on services for our schools, students, parents, faculty, and school administrators. The SRO’s role in the capacity of a school liaison will include areas such as; education neglect investigations, truancy referrals, response for juvenile issues, acting as a mediator when needed, and bridging the gap of communication between the families and the schools when there are issues of concern.
The SRO will assist with mandated reporting and collaborate with school faculty to identify high risk families for resources or service placement. Their main focus will be with the students, utilizing rapport building activities, in efforts to foster good relationships between students and law enforcement officers. We will offer age specific programs, such as; drug awareness, peer pressure, compassion building, anti-bullying, and student driver safety.
As of June of January 2024, Deputy Harley Ault will be assuming the role of the SRO. SRO Deputy Ault will be attending SRO Training in the future to assist him in his new role. Congratulations SRO Deputy Ault!
The Sheriff's Office has partnered with the schools within Montgomery County to ensure the overall safety of students and staff.

Montgomery County R-II School District which includes;
Montgomery Pre-K and Elementary
Montgomery Senior High School
Jonesburg Elementary
Wellsville-Middletown R-I School District
Pre-K and Elementary
Middle School
High School
As well as the Immaculate Conception Catholic School in Montgomery City.